Conference Workshops

Fees for in-person workshops

  • student registrants half/full day $35/$50 USD
  • member registrants half/full day $50/$75 USD
  • non-member registrants half/full day $70/$100 USD

An Introduction to Remote Sensing and Land Cover Change Analysis using Open Source Tools

Instructors: Cindy Schmidt (NASA Ecological Conservation Program) & Nancy Thomas ( Geospatial Innovation Facility (GIF), UC Berkeley). 

Fee: $75 for members, $50 for students and $100 for non-members

Date: 09/04/2024 (Full Day / 7h) In-Person

Experience level of participants: This workshop is appropriate for attendees who have some understanding of geospatial data but have little to no experience in remote sensing.

Description: The first section of this workshop introduces the basic principles of understanding remotely sensed data, including key satellites, sensors, and resources commonly used in conservation applications. Participants will learn how to find and download satellite and aerial imagery, how to display and enhance digital imagery, and basic techniques for image interpretation and analysis. In the afternoon session, we will introduce the process of analyzing imagery from multiple dates in order to map and quantify change over time. Hands on exercises include visual comparisons of multi-date imagery, creating multi-band change enhancements and conducting a multi-date land cover change classification. The workshop will be taught using QGIS, a popular free and open source geospatial software package.

Software/hardware: The participants will need to install the latest version of QGIS prior to the workshop.


Google Earth Engine: Introduction & Basic Analysis

Instructor: Amy Pickens (Global Land Data & Analysis team, University of Maryland College Park)

Fee: $50 for members, $35 for students and $70 for non-members

Date: 09/04/2024, 1pm - 5pm (Half Day / 4h) In-Person

Experience level of participants: no requirements

Description: This interactive workshop will provide an introduction to Google Earth Engine, beginning with basic concepts and data visualization and moving to analysis. Using Google's public data catalog, we will go over how to handle raster and vector data and the different data types within Earth Engine. Participants will be able to learn how to use functions including map and reduce to perform tasks such as create a cloud-free composite or calculate the area of tree cover loss within a protected area. Topics such as importing your own datasets, exporting results, the opportunities and limitations of Earth Engine, and resources to continue learning will be discussed.

Software/hardware: The participants will need to register for a Google Earth Engine account in advance (which can take several days) via (register as Noncommercial users without creating Cloud projects).


Data in Action: Esri’s Tools for Effective Field Data Collection and Volunteer Management

Instructor: Miriam Schmidts (Senior Instructor, ESRI)

Fee: $50 for members, $35 for students and $70 for non-members

Date: 09/04/2024, 8:30am -12pm (Half Day / 4.5h) In-Person

Experience level of participants: Beginner. We will introduce participants to a variety of apps for field work and volunteer management of field workers through one comprehensive workflow.

Description: Join us to learn how to deploy a field data collection and volunteer management solution for your organization, no GIS experience required. We will work with Esri’s Field Apps to collect data in the field, create a project status dashboard for tracking management, and an ArcGIS Hub site to serve as a home for volunteer activities.

Software/hardware: Participants will need to come with a laptop and the ArcGIS Field Maps app on a mobile device. This app is free and can be downloaded from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.


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2024 conference sponsor logos: esri, UC Davis, mpumalanga tourism and parks agency, juniper gis, blue raster, NASA, locana