The Abstract and Curated Session portal for our in-person Conference at the National Conservation Training Center this June 30 - July 2, 2025 is now open!What conservation GIS projects have you been exploring recently? Our annual conference is the perfect place to share your work and experience with your colleagues. We invite you to submit abstracts on a wide range of topics pertaining to conservation GIS. What's the difference between a Curated Session and an Abstract Presentation?An Abstract Presentation is a single, 10-12 minute presentation (with 3 - 5 minutes for questions), where the solo presenter discusses their work on a project, problem or topic. A Curated Session can be in the form of a multi-speaker session, a panel or training. These sessions are longer in length (example: 1 hour) and are designed by the submitter (you!). Both of these formats can be on any subject, so long it relates to Conservation GIS. If you aren't sure which format you would like to present under, please reach out to [email protected] - we'll be happy to help you choose! To submit an abstract or curated session, please fill out the form below on Oxford Abstracts. Abstracts are due by March 15!Please note that in order to submit an abstract, you will be prompted to login (or create an account) through Oxford Abstracts. We appreciate you taking this additional step! Register Now to attend the 2025 International Conference! Early Bird registration closes on April 15, 2025. |